Sunday 20 April 2014

Spinal and Liver metastatic cancer awareness ..

Ladies and gentlemen please be aware of the symptoms of cancer spread to the spinal cord and liver. Im no oncologist but I have experienced those on myself and I simply wanted to raise an awareness.
These are some of the signs and symptoms to watch out for (highlighted in Bold are the ones I had !)

Spread to the spinal cord might bring some of those symptoms:

The symptoms of spinal cancer may occur very slowly. Other times, they occur quickly, even over a matter of hours or days. Metastatic spinal tumors, which have spread to the spine from another location in the body, often progress quickly.
Symptoms may begin with numbness or tingling in the arms or legs

Some common signs of spinal tumors may include the following:
  • Pain (back and/or neck pain, arm and/or leg pain)
  • Muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs
  • Difficulty walking
  • General loss of sensation
  • Difficulty with urination (incontinence)
  • Change in bowel habits (retention)
  • Paralysis to varying degrees
  • Spinal deformities
  • Pain or difficulty with standing

Spread to the Liver might bring some of those symptoms

Swelling of the abdomen can happen in liver cancer for 2 reasons. The liver itself can get bigger from the growing cancer. This can cause swelling over the right side of your abdomen. Or you can have generalised swelling of the abdomen caused by a build up of fluid. This is called ascites. Jaundice means yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes. It may also make the skin itch. It means that your liver is not working properly or there may be a blockage in the bile duct.
  • Loss of appetite over a period of a few weeks
  • Being sick
  • Feeling full or bloated after eating, even after a small meal
  • Itching
  • A sudden worsening of health in somebody with known chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis
  • A high temperature and sweating

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