Saturday 26 July 2014

Nearly There ..

( I will add more of my experience soon just having some "technical " difficulties ) 

So I started all my test to see if I'd be included in the trial. I had my bloods, bp, height weight ECG and CT scan done. Tests and hospital visits felt like a big blur in my life. It's was all happening too fast and all at once. Having a hot English weather was nice but it all added to my exhaustion. CT scan was amazingly easy as there was no needles. They ve used my picc line ( my blood port) instead of injecting me. So I was very happy it was pain free. 
Liver biopsy was the last and most painful test. They gave me this beautiful gown in the super posh clinic to wear......

Than they wheeled me in my bed thru hidden tunnels of the Central London I never knew existed and finally I got to the biopsy room. I was surrounded by number of little gadgets, computers and an ultrasound machine. Doc came around and introduced himself and cracked on with a procedure. I was slightly worried as I was hoping to have some sort of sedation. I ve asked if I was having any and he said no. Not even happy air I said and he said no, not that I'm aware of. Suddenly fear came over me... He did ultrasound first, pain free so far. I could see my liver and all the cancer within it. It felt weird looking at the live images of my biggest enemy at the present. 
Than he took out the needle and injected my skin and deeper capsule of my liver. Very painful. You could feel it going thru your skin. I shouted " this is worse than dental anaesthetics "! 
While waiting for Local to kick in he asked me some " passing time" questions one of which was what I did for living. I explained I was a dentist to which he replied that since the begging of the week he had quite a few dentists on which he performed the same procedure, biopsy of liver cancer.  Oh dear I thought, what's with the world. Cancer seems to be everywhere. Even in the morning when I read online papers there are at least 2 cancer stories each day and those are the people who have made it to the papers! What about a thousands and thousands of cases who never do? 
So he continued with a procedure. Now up to this point I've been looking at the ultrasound screen but when he pushed a big biopsy needle in between the ribs and into my liver  while i was still watching it all being done I nearly fainted. I turned my head away and asked if they wouldn't mind talking to me about anything, anything at all so I would not faint. So they continued talking about silly things until the procedure was over. They needed 9 samples of my cancer for this trial and these are the results of my biopsy. 


  1. Good to hear from you!

  2. Thank you anonymous and thank you Simon
    Lots of love
    Dani xxxx
